Members are missing from my directory

When viewing your directories, if you find that data is missing, it usually means that a complete download didn't take place. Follow these steps to remedy the problem:

  1. Tap Settings > Update > Update Now to initiate a new download of the data.
  2. Tap Settings > Update > Update Status to view the progress of the download and to ensure that each area of data has the correct time and date.
  3. If the data is still missing, it may mean that your database has gotten corrupted. The best solution for this is to delete the app from your device and reinstall it from your iTunes.
  4. You do that by pressing and holding the app's icon until everything starts to jiggle.

    Press the 'x' to delete the app. Reconnect to your iTunes library on your computer and let it sync. You'll want to ensure that you look under the Applications tab when you click on your device in iTunes and see that My LDS Stake is checked.

    Resync the device by clicking the Apply button at the bottom right of iTunes. This will reinstall the app on your device.