My LDS Stake
Your ward and stake directories at your fingertips. Anytime, anywhere.

To Our Valued Customers

We've recently received a number of support incidents related to updating data. We felt it was important for all of our customers to know why this has recently begun to happen.

Due to the very large number of people using My LDS Stake, the Church's servers have been overwhelmed with requests for member data. In an effort to reduce the burden placed on these servers to provide this data, the group which manages the Church's servers has decided to block access on weekends, which are the busiest days for

We've spoken with the Church concerning this and will be making changes in an upcoming app which will greatly reduce the burden created by tens of thousands of users.

The good news is that your ability to use My LDS Stake is not affected by this. You can continue to use the app as you always have. This only impacts your ability to get updated data on Sunday.

One of the great features of My LDS Stake is automatic updates of data, based on your settings. If you attempt to update on Sunday (either manually or automatically) you'll receive an error stating that your username or account wasn't correct. If you experience this, just update your data on another day.

With a little planning, this will never be an issue for you. It might be wise to get a fresh update of data on a day other than Sunday and continue to enjoy the app as part of your everyday Latter-day Saint lifestyle. Manual updates can be initiated by tapping Settings | Update | Update Now.

Thank you for your continued support of My LDS Stake.

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